Welcome to Protera’s monthly journal, where we showcase the most notable highlights and advancements of our projects, along with the latest relevant news. Stay tuned and follow us for the most up-to-date updates.

What’s new?

We had an incredible three days at SynBioBeta 2023 in California, where we unveiled our revolutionary protein engineering software, #madi™. The response was outstanding, generating at least 140 valuable contacts, including potential clients, investors, and partners. The launch of #madi™ has ignited excitement and positioned us as leaders in the industry. 

We invite you to join the Protein Revolution and discover the endless possibilities with #madi™ 
Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to transform the world of protein engineering!

Key Projects


Join the Protein Revolution with madi™, the AI platform for protein engineering. Discover high-performing proteins, shorten development times, and increase success rates efficiently.

Expedition 1:

Successful Launch of madi™ at SynBioBeta 2023:

  • Over 100 new qualified leads.
  • Over 20 new request of proposal for our madi™ platform.

Expedition 2: Coming Soon!

Protera Guard

Transforming the Food Supply Chain:
Our Innovative Protein Fights Mold Formation.
A Landmark in Food Industry Investment.

Gelling Proteins

Redefining Plant-Based Meat Textures: Discover Our Novel Protein Substitute for Methylcellulose – A Leap Forward in Alternative Protein Industry.
*Produced with Protera’s unique fermented protein.

What’s next?

During this month, we will be actively engaging with potential clients of #madi™, gathering their feedback, and enhancing the value proposition of our groundbreaking software. Stay tuned as we work towards making #madi™ even more valuable for our customers.

logo cabezera

Protera SAS, 176 avenue Charles de Gaulle, Neuilly-sur-Seine cedex, Neuilly-sur-Seine cedex 92522, Franceorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.